In the last few years there have been a lot of new “holidays” popping up. Every other day seems to be national *insert random thing here* day or entire months are dedicated to causes to bring awareness. This makes complete sense when it comes to social or health or mental health issues that plague our communities but it seems that we are steering away from serious issues and into.. well, whatever people can come up with. Apparently, September will be no different as it has now been dubbed “Take a Man on Date Month”. Yes, you read that right.
Me being my social network crazed self, I creeped the hashtag just to see what people are saying about it and I’ve come across a lot of interesting viewpoints. The men, of course, seem to be all for it. Women, on the other hand, have varying view points on this idea. “The only way I’ll take a man out is if he’s already taken me on several dates.” “PLEASE! I would never take a man on a date.” “I will take my husband out but I aint payin!” and my favorite so far “No way. I let a man be a man”.
As someone who doesn’t “do” social norms that last comment really tickled me. What does that even mean?! Asking a man on a date takes away from him being a man? Oh. It is my personal belief that the duty of planning dates is not gender or sex specific especially if you are in a committed relationship. A lot of women fear rejection so they wait for guys to approach them. Therefore, in a relationship where you know they are into you, half the battle is won so why not make that move? Things would be different for a single woman approaching a guy but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t. A lot of men have the same “let a man be a man” belief that women do and may be completely turned off by a woman who is so straight forward. Whatever the reason for rejection, it’s not the end of the world. For every man who lives by that norm there is at least one that doesn’t. With that being the case, you just might gain a few points for being the one who stepped outside the box.
What say you? Would you ask a man on a date? Do you think men are turned off by women who ask them out or do you think they find it appealing?