Back in 2010, “The Breakfast Club” premiered on Power 105.1, hosted by DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne tha God, with focus on topics such as celebrity gossip, progressive politics, and dating issues. Three years later, the show was rolled out into syndication and then simulcasted on REVOLT in 2014.
Now, eight years later with many spent in the top stop, Angela Yee took a trip down memory lane with Baller Alert in celebration of the show’s eighth anniversary.
“Everybody brings something different to the table,” Yee said of how the three hosts made the show work for so many years. “We do prioritize the show and even though we have a lot of things going on outside of The Breakfast Club, everybody knows we gotta be at work in the morning.”
As the interview continued, Yee shared her favorite interview guests, which included Issa Rae, Yvonne Orji, Amanda Seales, and of course, Tiffany Haddish. As for the biggest show flop: The Birdman interview.
“The shortest interview on record, ever,” she said. “Two minutes. And I was so prepared with my notes, I had all these great questions and then it just didn’t happen.”
But outside of Yee’s favorite and biggest fails, there are still a few people that are on her wish list.
“I would love to interview Rihanna, I think she is the dopest,” Yee explained. “I think she’ll be really funny cause you’ll never know what you might get out of her. So, I think just cause of the fact that she’s fun. I always wish we coulda got Prince on the show, we saw him in the studio one time, but of course he just floated by. Obviously that’s never gon’ happen.”
As the interview wrapped, Yee shared a few things about her co-hosts that others may not know. Check out the full interview below to see what she said.
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