Despite Lil Rel’s massive success as an actor, from his legendary appearance on “Get Out,” to his hit television show, “Rel,” and the massive success of his Netflix film, “Bird Box,” the comedian still manages to stay true to his comedic craft with his stand-up act.
In a recent interview with Baller Alert, Lil Rel discussed his decision to continue his act at Carolines, his role on the Netflix hit, the overwhelming support for the film and other headlines, including R. Kelly’s alleged history of sexual abuse of underage girls.
“Now, I wasn’t surprised people enjoyed the movie. I was surprised about the memes and these challenges-,” Lil Rel said of ‘Bird Box’ and the subsequent viral challenge. “The challenge thing got crazy, it’s like weird too. People blind-folded themselves driving, don’t do that.”
Although the challenges got out of control, to the point where Netflix had to release a statement, one, in particular, caught the comedian’s attention.
“It was funny and weird,” Rel said. “This dude had blindfolded his kids, you can tell the kids didn’t know what was going on and he like bumped them into the wall by mistake. Don’t hurt your babies yet.”
As the interview continued, Rel opened up about his forthcoming project with Ryan Reynolds, and then revealed that at this point in his career, he’s secured many of his recent projects through offers rather than auditions. Just before the interview wrapped, Rel provided his opinion on the R. Kelly allegations, through the perspective of a true Chicagoan.
“I just support the victims,” Rel said. “To me it’s been awkward that people have been like being mad at them and telling them, ‘Why didn’t say nothing before,’ and I’m like, ‘because they were traumatized.”
“If somebody beat a case and tell you like, ‘Ain’t nobody gon’ believe you,’ wouldn’t you believe that,” Rel said. “At the end of the day, I support the victims. I support anybody that’s been voiceless, I mean I think even he was voiceless for a while with the things he went through. So I think, if we want people to start speaking up, we can’t criticize them for doing that.”
Check out the full episode below:
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