1. Donald Trump
If anyone needs to deactivate their social media accounts as we enter into the new year, it is the Cheeto-in-chief, Donald Trump himself. The unhinged soon to be ex-president has consistently tweeted false information regarding very serious matters such as the coronavirus, which he initially downplayed as just being the flu. Considering that his cult-like following hangs on to his every word, one can only imagine the massive amount of misinformation that his supporters are absorbing and then spreading to others about this deadly virus that has claimed the lives of over 300,000 Americans. For this, the wide-hipped miscreant should press deactivate.
2. Donald Trump’s Toupée
Said to cost a staggering $70,000 to maintain, Donald Trump’s shifting toupée should never grace our timelines again after January 20th, 2021. Judging by the lack of hairline customization, parting space, and density, it is clear that he is not familiar with the lace wig Gods that are Arrogant Tae and Jonathan Wright. For this reason, let us sign a petition to banish the unsightly synthetic piece from social media platforms for all of eternity.
3. Donald John Trump
As of late, the tangerine complexioned semi-dictator has remained fixated on his baseless theories that the 2021 presidential election was rigged in favor of his opponent, Joe Biden. Launching several investigations that have only further proven Biden to be the winner, even his opponents are growing weary of seeing the desperate attempt to remain in office being spewed almost daily on Twitter. This reason alone is enough reason to give him the social network boot.
4. Donald J. Trump
Do you remember when the reality television persona tweeted that U.S. congresswomen of color should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came?” Or how about the time he retweeted that video showing two armed white people in Missouri pointing guns at protestors? For that reason alone, the turkey neck POTUS can go ahead and clock out of social media.
5. President Tweety
In May, president-elect Joe Biden donned his discomposing opponent “President Tweety” for his busy Twitter fingers. The nickname is a far cry from the insulting name that Trump had given him. Calling him “Sleepy Joe” was a tactic to get his supporters to see Biden as the older and weaker opponent. He has continuously referred to him as “Sleepy Joe” on Twitter while the two hit the campaign trail. No one likes a bully, especially one with a below-average quick weave and blossoming waistline. The deactivate button is waiting on you, Tweety.

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