Do you want a healthy head of hair? Maybe you’re natural and hate your curl patterns. Or you still have a “perm” and want to know how to achieve the thick healthy look that you see on the perm boxes. Well it’s not all about the natural or organic products you put in your head to make it healthy. I have found a few household items that will help your hair growth journey.
The “egg” conditioner; add 1 egg to your favorite conditioner. Mix the two until they are evenly combined then apply to freshly shampooed hair. Leave on for however long you want. I usually do an hour or 30 minutes the least. The egg gives your hair protein and helps it stay strong. You will have less breakage and brittleness within your second application. The egg also makes your hair more manageable and shiny. That is something useful for all of my natural sistas.
Olive Oil can be used as a conditioning treatment as well. Ever hear of the “hot oil” treatment? Well instead of going to the beauty supply store. You can use your household Olive Oil, it does the same thing as a hot oil treatment but you do not need much. I usually mix the Olive Oil in my conditioner using only a teaspoon. This remedy keeps your hair moisturized and shiny, but not oily.
Moving on to store bought remedies the “Biotin” pills. I absolutely love this pill! It promotes rapid hair growth and makes my curls softer. I am not completely natural (one perm a year) so I have times when my hair is extremely brittle and hard to maintain. But when I am taking the Biotin pills my curls drop and I gain thickness in my hair. These pills can be brought at your local walgreens, CVS, or pharmacy’s. But take caution Biotin can cause break outs if used improperly! Any pill that contains Biotin can help your hair growth. Biotin also helps with stronger nails and clear skin. But this product is not for everyone, so test before you take.
Ladies have you ever heard ABS are made in the kitchen? Well so is hair! You are what you eat and by taking in foods such as; avocado, salmon, lentils, broccoli, citrus fruits, lean poultry, almonds, raspberries, and carrots. All of these will help with hair strength. We all need strong hair from the pulling of weaves to flat irons and braids. As well as these there are some herbs that you should add to your list as well. Five growth boosting herbs would be rosemary, peppermint, horsetail, basil, and burdock root. You could add these to your shampoo or conditioner.
It doesn’t matter what type of texture you have or if you use chemicals in your hair. All of these remedies could be used on anyone’s hair and they are very affective. Sometimes its the simple things that work the best!