A few days ago we discussed being one of the guys and a few ladies admitted to being that girl who crashes her beau’s boys night… constantly. How about we switch it up for a bit? It’s a Thursday evening and you’re getting dolled up for dinner and drinks with your girls as your man watches you get dressed. You notice that he has that look in his eyes that you can’t seem to resist. Nah, not that look, the one he gives you whenever you decide to do anything that doesn’t involve him. The look that breaks you down and makes you tell him to hurry to get dressed before the two of you are late. Thing is, he isn’t invited. He never is, yet you show up to ladies night with him in tow… again.
Your friends can’t stand it but they let it slide because, well, at least you showed up this time. It’s either deal with his presence or miss out on yours because you can’t seem to balance your friendships and your relationship. Again, healthy relationships have a sufficient amount of quality time and space. If your guy makes you feel bad for having a life outside of him he either lacks one of his own or knows what buttons to push to manipulate you into thinking you’re wrong for doing so. If it is the latter, several things can happen. Your friends will stop inviting you out altogether and you’ll find yourself spending time alone when Mr. Manipulator isn’t around. See, he will make sure he keeps his friendships intact and will not hesitate to spend time with his friends after you’ve played all of yours.
Do you ever find yourself torn between your bestie and your boo? Do you ditch a planned girls night to hang with your dude?
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