Imagine meeting someone new and trying to incorporate them into your daily routine with your children. This is a concern for so many single moms and dads that are still learning the ropes of dating. Questions arise such as when is it appropriate to introduce the idea of dating to your ex? Is your new man or woman kid friendly? Should they stay the night at your place if the kids are home? Although every situation is different, every relationship should be approached with an open mind and honesty.
Many people will have opinions about when, who, and how you should date, but your first responsibility is the safety and happiness of you and your children. Dating is hard and can be even more challenging when you have kids so choose wisely. If you plan on dating or getting back on the scene, here are a few tips to help you along the way.
1. Do not feel guilty about starting over.
You are entitled to a life as well. We must embrace the facts that none of us are perfect, but we all deserve that perfect someone for us. Whether you’re dating casually or exclusively, you do not need a reason to live your life.
2. Be honest about what you’re looking for.
You are who you are for a reason, never settle! If a person does not meet your expectations, kindly greet them with a goodbye and wait your turn. Everyone won’t be ready to take on a new responsibility.
3. Do Your Research.
Researching can kill your moment but can also save you a headache. I think you should give a person an opportunity to come clean about any demons they have before you judge them. It’s better coming from the horse’s mouth, but sometimes confirmation is necessary.
4. Leave your baggage at the door.
Do not bring your old baggage to your new relationship. You can discuss some things that you will not tolerate, but try to look at this new experience as something new!
5. Communicate your Likes and Dislikes.
Be Honest. Your turnoffs are your turnoffs and can ultimately kill a relationship if you don’t identify them. Remember always to give praise. Show your partner that you are invested and equally interested in sending flowers, random lunch outings, and good texts or emails.
6. Balance your priorities.
Working moms and dads have a lot on their plates. Be sure to adjust to them and try not to lack in any areas. Making everyone happy is key, but your kids come first.
7. Wait to introduce your children to new men or women.
Not every man or woman that you invite into your life has to meet your kids. Try waiting to see if things will work out between the both of you before you include children and don’t make your new partner a helper to fast.
8. Talk to your children about you dating.
There’s nothing wrong with asking your child if they are okay with mom or dad dating if they’re old enough. Kids have feelings too, and they should be considered especially if your new friend has children as well.
9. Take your time.
Dating is not a rat race. We are not running to the altar tomorrow, so it’s okay to take your time. Be patient with yourself and your new love interest.
10. Enjoy the process.
Life is about exploring new opportunities. I honestly believe that there is someone out there for each of us. Enjoy the highs and the lows, and just getting to know a person for who they are.