Monogamy and sex are very interesting topics when it comes to relationships. Not only are they important conversational topics, but they are also important in a relationship.
I came across an interesting conversation on the DeadAss Podcast, and listening to a male’s perspectives was definitely enlightening. Devale and Khadeen Ellis are married, and they have a podcast where they discuss relationship topics and more. On this particular episode, Devale brought up an interesting question. The question was, “If Sex Is Going To Be A Chore For You, Why Do Women Constantly Push Monogamy On Men?”
In my opinion, I do not feel that all women treat sex as a chore. However, I feel that our sex drive changes over the years in certain situations like working a lot of hours, having babies, building a business, etc. Life happens, and sex is often placed on the backburner, which Khadeen expressed in the podcast.
Any woman that has had children did not bounce back to how their sex drive was at the beginning of the relationship. Honestly, our bodies and emotions go through so many changes. Sex isn’t a priority. Our health is important, and if you are my man, that should be the focus.
Is sex important in a relationship? Absolutely. Everyone has needs, and oftentimes when those needs aren’t met, it is expressed quite often in the relationship. That is when the two partners should have a conversation and discuss what is really going on. Talk to one another and find out how you can resolve the issue. That does not mean just step out on your mate because they aren’t giving it up when you want it.
Now when it comes to monogamy, no one can force it on you. It is a choice. Either you want to be fully committed to one person or not. A person can tell you their expectations or goals for the relationship, and you have a choice on how you are going to accept it.
When I say expectations or goals, I am referring to marriage and kids. This is a conversation that should be held at the beginning of a relationship. That way, you can decide if this is the person you want to be with or not.
I do feel that men confuse standards with pressure. A woman can tell you she wants to get married and have kids, but that doesn’t mean she wants to do it tomorrow. She is just letting you know where she sees the relationship going, and if you disagree, you can re-evaluate what you two are doing.
Pressure is only applied if time is placed on it, but even then, those are still expectations.
Listen to the conversation and tell us what you think.