In football, there is no play more disappointing than watching a running back explode through the hole, break tackles, run for 20 yards, and then end up fumbling before reaching the end zone. It’s gut-wrenching. In life, there are men who constantly drop the ball when meeting women. Unfortunately, a lot of men do not understand that, for the most part, a woman already has an idea about how she feels about you without you even saying a word. She knows if she likes you if she’ll have sex with you, or even wants to date you in the first few minutes. It’s crucial for men not to turn her favor into disfavor with their words and actions. Here are three ways that men lose women when they first meet them.
Mr. Talkative
Men think that women like a lot of talking. No, women like to communicate. Those are two different things. Gentlemen, understand that a woman is at a nightclub/bar to have a good time. She wants to drink, dance, people-watch, and maybe, just maybe, meet a guy. If she gives you the time of day to talk to her in this setting, you have to be effective. When talking to her, you have to introduce yourself, offer her a drink, compliment her, acknowledge that she’s here with her friends, let her know that you would like to see her again in a different setting and keep it moving. It’s also important to pay attention to her body language. Is she looking at you? Is she smiling? Does she come close or step back? Paying attention to her body language lets, you know how much of her attention you have. What you don’t want to do is talk her ear off. She wants to listen to “Invented Sex” and sing along to “Ride,” but you’re over here talking over the beat like DJ Clue. Besides, it’s loud in a club, and she doesn’t hear everything you say. It is also very annoying to scream into someone’s ear all night. You don’t want to be known as the guy that was screaming in her ear all night.
Mr. Indecisive
There’s nothing better than meeting a crew of sexy women. Being seen with them increases your value and stock. It’s all good if all you want to do is show them a good time. However, you want one of them. The question is, “Which one?” The biggest mistake you can make is jumping from girl to girl. Women are very observant. That is why they are able to make decisions about you before they even know you. Men need to learn to be the same. When meeting a group of women, you have to be observant. Pay attention to who is doing what, who is drinking what, who is talking to whom, etc. It is also very important to notice who is paying you the most attention. The reason being is that if one of them likes you, and her friends are aware, you will have slim to no chances with the rest of them. You also do not want to bounce from girl to girl. Indecisiveness is an unattractive trait. If the woman that likes you can’t trust you among her friends, she’ll have no confidence in you with other women.
Mr. Publicist
It’s bad enough when you talk too much, but it’s even worse when you talk too much about someone else. If you want a woman to label you as lame or a male groupie, avoid introducing yourself as a celebrity’s relative or right-hand man. Nothing screams “douchebag” louder than saying, “Hi, I’m so-and-so’s cousin.” To make matters worse, continuing to talk about all the things you and said celebrities do together will only make things worse. If you attempt to impress someone by boasting about someone else’s accomplishments, you automatically take yourself out of the running for her interest. When meeting a woman, you have to sell yourself. Confidence is always one of the top 5 qualities that women look for in a man. If you spend the night talking about your accomplished cousin, she’ll spend the night thinking, “Why are you here and not him?” Approaching a beautiful woman is not always easy. When you finally have the guts to do so, make the most of it. You don’t have to do anything other than be yourself. The worst that can happen is that she won’t be interested. However, if she is interested, she’s yours.
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