Having a relationship with a man of the upper echelon, or as we consider a higher level of prestige, is very different than dating any regular Joe. Whether it be dating, an affair or the two of you just keeping things platonic, no strings attached, you most certainly know the difference. This is when you have forewarned your inner ratchet self to pull out the Etiquette 101 handbook because it’s time to put all of what you’ve learned to the test!
Now lets be clear, although he’s graduated magna cum laude at the best ivy league school in the country, president of his fraternity chapter, comes from a wealthy family and is by far the most driven man you have ever met, you too are very poised, sophisticated, know the correct way to pronounce Salmon, can choose the right fork at the dinner table, and have your own damn money. You too are just as successful and impressive. You aren’t riding his coattail, he simply adds the sugar to your coffee. You’re with someone who compliments you and who takes your breath away at the same time.
It’s time to have your Olivia Pope moment and you need to ride this thing until the wheels fall off. We’re talking the guys who carry CEO, Esquire, Gov., or M.D. attached to his name. Yes, those men. The men who are in a position of power and can pick and choose who they’d like because they’ve become selective in their own right. However, its usually ideal for them to have a woman on their arm, a woman who “fit’s the part“. Considerably, a woman who looks great for [his] image. Nevertheless, somewhere in the back of your mind you know this so you do what it takes to make you both look great in front of his colleagues and phony friends and their fake wives. And if you’re a smart girl, you’ll use this as a time to network and to build relationships. Because, you know what to do and have prepared yourself for this moment.
As a girl you played in your mothers pearls and acted as if you were at fancy dinners with the Queen of France and all that good stuff. And my dear you most certainly fit the part and he loves every bit of it. There is something you possess that all the other women didn’t.
Whether you’re his main thing or his Monica Lewinsky, they know you’re with that guy who saunters into the room and demands attention. He’s enamored at your beauty, intellect and who you are behind closed doors. He knows that he has made a wise choice each time he glances down as you adjust his tie.
You both are potentially great candidates for something long term as long as you understand that this is indeed a game of chess and not checkers. See, dinner and a movie is child’s play to this guy. Maybe the inaugural ball, an art exhibit (where he actually buys pieces that cost a fortune), or dinner with the next heir to the throne is more of his taste. He is spontaneous and knows he’s dealing with someone who can handle what he has accustomed into his world.
But honestly ladies, there’s a pretty penny to pay for that type of lifestyle: He’s always busy, he cant stay in bed to coddle you because he’s up before the sunrises to hit the gym before he is swamped with conference calls and interviews, long nights and maybe even infidelity. And if you are Ms. Lewinsky then you know that the press is more than likely to be all over him, preying and watching every move he makes. A man of power is always under the radar. And ladies we do love [us] a man in power don’t we? We’re attracted to them and can weed them out in any group of men. And the good thing that I’d like to share with you ladies is that we all get one, or two or at least a few in our lifetime. Needless to say, you should know what to expect and be on your P’s and Q’s when you get him or else you’ll be passing this guy along to another woman who might not be so deserving.
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