The leaves are falling off the trees and with daylight savings time just around the corner, the last thing that some of us will do is select a special person from our lineup. People start coming out of the woodwork like “hey stranger”, “what’s up big head?”, or “where you been”, “oh so you just forgot about me huh”? Type of text messages and DM’s only to see if you will take the bait. You have officially entered the NFL draft of winter, “Cuffing Season”. The game officially shifts in the favor of the needy and the hunt is on.
Every year men and women realize that it’s getting cold and they’re not equipped to spend the winter months alone. The summer months are far gone and the brunch venues and popping bottles are not as convenient as waking up to a hot breakfast and a little something on the side. This is where cupcaking, cuffing, and cuddling becomes their favorite pass time — because a little attention is better than none right?
Cuffing season offers a few good qualities if one is not into settling down, but keep in mind that it’s not for weak. Most people who prepare for cuffing season are usually pros and are well aware of the do’s and don’ts, so be clear and understand the rules to the game. You have to have tough skin out here and you cannot be afraid of rejection. Don’t spend so much time trying to figure things out, just enjoy it. Never lose focus and never expect too much. The season can end abruptly and you can end up on the IR list for the rest of the season with one wrong move.
People begin to think of all those holiday gatherings and how it would be nice to have a piece of arm candy to show off to the family. The invites start pouring in and it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea to actually enjoy the festivities with someone for a change. That may stop the family from asking when you’re settling down, and it’s easy to avoid conversations about your last few failed relationships.
The closer you get to Christmas, the more romantic things will become. The snow is falling and everyone is happy about what the New Year will bring while you’re busy contemplating whether to buy perfume or jewelry as a Christmas present. Perfume means “I like you” while a piece of jewelry might mean that they are a little more invested. That doesn’t mean that they will make made the cut. That person can just be thoughtful and appreciative of their time and companionship. But Don’t take it to heart if you do not receive anything because there’s no rules to this thing.
Although we all have needs, you have to be smart in not getting caught up in a temporary situation. Most adults can handle the reality of being temporary while others think they’re auditioning for a permanent position. They start believing that they are actually building something instead of calling a spade a spade. Don’t be foolish, enjoy the moment, it may not last for long!
Here are a few tips to survive cuffing season.
1. The Lineup– The season has started and you have already begun to weed out the ladies/gentleman that did not make the cut. You wouldn’t want to spend the entire season with someone you’re not feeling so choose wisely.
2. Be Available– Try to be available when asked and if you can’t, try making provisions to do something else.
3. Protect Yourself– Adults will be adults but don’t go into cuffing season with no expectations and come out a mommy or daddy. STD’s are very real and so is becoming a parent so be responsible.
4. Stay On Good Terms– It may or may not lead to a relationship, but try to stay on good terms. You never know when you may need that person again.
5. Remain Focused– This may be just a temporary situation, don’t go changing your life to accommodate someone that won’t be around too long.
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