People work hard for their money. But men are extremely calculating and are reluctant to spend their hard earned money on a woman especially in the early stages of courting them. This man barely knows you, and even if he has an overabundance of money, he is going to be extremely cautious of spending money thriftily on someone who basically, he can consider a gamble. There are plenty of other secure ways a man can spend what he earns and turn it into assets. When he takes out a woman that he just met or barely knows, he is basically taking a gamble. There is no guarantee that he will get anything at the end of this date after spending all of this cash.
Modern dates are now meeting for drinks for the easiest and sometimes cheapest way a guy can get to know a girl or feel her out without having to spend a ton of money on her. If the man in turn, decides he wants to buy new tires for his car or a new electronic gadget, he sees that as an investment or an asset, something that he can ultimately benefit from. A woman that he barely knows is more of a gamble than an asset, therefore he isn’t sure if he is just throwing money in the air.
Men are resourceful creatures, even if they have a lot of money. The more money that a man has, the more suspicious and the more he is on the lookout for those ladies that are just after his cash. If he does have a lot of money, he knows that there are women out there that are solely chasing after that cash. I believe that the more money a man has the more cautious he has to be in order to protect his money. This man can smell these women’s gold digging perfume from a mile away.
These men that do have a lot of money, know that they are sought after and are even more of an eligible bachelor to some women. The woman that compliments his watch, his cars, his home, and his material things, she gives off the aura of a GOLD DIGGER and a lot of men stay away from that. Most men don’t want and are weary of those women who search for men that have money because they are ultimately looking for someone to share their life, not someone who is only with him till the money runs out.
Now, there are men that do flaunt their money and search for young, beautiful women to have on their arm and show off. There are websites that promote this sort of lifestyle, almost like a, where a man can get what he wants from a young, beautiful woman and this woman in turn gets her bills paid, goes to college, and gets monetary goods from this man. But what happens when this rich man gets bored with your relationship? What happens when he finds a younger girl who is more attractive? He gets over you, and moves on to the next hotter girl. What if you actually fall in love with this man but he’s on to the next hotter thing?
Finding a man for the reasons you’re looking for is tough and ultimately your decision. It might be fun to live that lifestyle but it might not be something that lasts forever, so keep that in mind when searching for that sort of man.