Thirsty vs. crazy are ways that us women and men have used in order to describe the member of the opposite sex that we are not interested in. Thirsty is defined by Urban Dictionary as “too eager to get something, desperate.” Crazy, when pertaining to a female, is defined as “often misinterpreted as a bad characteristic, crazy is used to describe people that have random, hyper, creative, and flat out fun to hang out with.” That isnt the common interperation of crazy in my book when a man is referring to a female that he dated. Usually he says she was needy, unstable emotions and irrational outbreaks.
Now, our culture has developed a habit of referring to a man that is genuinely interested in a woman as thirsty. “He’s too much, the thirst is real.” It can be possible for a guy to surpass the courting into creepy, granted there’s a fine line that some men need to reevaluate. When you pass into the creepy zone, you are usually using more than one form of contact to reach this woman you are interested in. Some people do the whole disappearing act when they arent interested, and although I think it’s rude, it is part of the dating culture. A part that you must accept, let your pride kick in and shut it. When you go from thirsty to creepy, you’re emailing, tweeting, texting, calling, calling her at work, and all these actions are hard to come back from. Actually, the odds that you will come back from creep is less than likely.
What gets confusing is that men are supposed to be hunters, they are supposed to chase what they want. They are supposed to chase you, biologically speaking. All of a sudden there is a thin line that they cant cross so they arent called thirsty. The problem is that some females, instead of simply stating that they are not interested, confuse these men by sending signals that they are. Men get confused and keep pursuing, hence getting deemed thirsty. For example: you go on a date with a guy, you dont really like him, but you tell him you had a great time. So he continues to text you, or call you, randomly check on your day and you either ignore him, or tell him you were busy. Men arent always so clever to the curve so they think you were genuinely busy. At this point, you’re telling your friends that he wont leave you alone. He is so thirsty. Now, if you tell him that you arent feeling him, he might get his pride hurt but he will leave you alone.
When a man says that a girl is crazy, I always laugh because that is the way men describe women that are more invested, or interested in them than they are in the female. They will say she showed her true colors after a little while. Now lets put this into perspective: odds are that this man charmed her in the beginning and he was consistantly texting her, taking her out, being really sweet, always there and then he starts to pull back. She doesnt understand what she did wrong, and starts to become anxious with worry, starts to think about every date that they went on and cant figure out what went wrong. Now there are two types of females, one that will say “you owe me an explanation, you’re going to give it to me” or the one that thinks “ill give you as much as you give me and if thats nothing, then so be it.”The first female, is the one that gets called crazy. She didnt realize she was a pawn in a game and confronted him, calling him out on his wack behavior. Since there are females that dont confront the guys, they are deemed as psycho. This man, although he swept her off his feet, for one reason or another, is just not that into this female, instead of telling her, he pushes her into the crazy box and disappears on her. In my opinion, you brush it off, not show him that you’re bothered by his lack of attention. All confronting a man will do is push him into a corner and yourself into the crazy box.