Black Twitter is upset that people are buying TELFAR luxury bags and reselling them for a higher price.
We all know how the secondhand market works. You buy a valuable, limited item online, and flip it to make a bigger profit. It happens with all kinds of products and brands, including Air Jordans, Gucci, and even video games. But Black Twitter is upset because Telfar, a Black-owned, genderless fashion company restocked its luxury bags and resellers are buying them all up just so they can flip them.
What’s also unique about the company is that while the bags can compete with other high-end brands, the company’s owner set the bags at an affordable price point so that the Black community and other economically oppressed groups of people can purchase them. Not only that, but Telfar has also played a major part in the #BlackLivesMatter movement by donating tens of thousands of dollars to bail Black people out of Rikers Island and has worked directly with leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization.
The resale of the bags became so rampant that the company’s name started trending on Twitter, and now Black Twitter is reacting. “Oh, don’t buy Telfar bags secondhand it’s that simple. Eliminate the resale market for Telfar bags lol, literally pretend it doesn’t exist, and just don’t get one until they restock,” one Twitter user wrote. “Telfar Clemens didn’t make the price range of “The Shopping Bag” as affordable as it is for any ‘ol reason. He wanted to make luxury affordable for ALL of us. It’s literally the slogan of Telfar Global. Black men reselling them to Black women at a higher cost? It’s disgusting,” said another Twitter user.
In response to the secondhand sellers, Telfar wrote on its Instagram stories, “Telfar is for the people. Not bots. Store on ice while we root them out.”
Did y’all get y’all’s #TELFAR? Shout to #TelfarClemens for being for the people.
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