The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that an unmasked and unvaccinated teacher has infected students with the Delta variant of COVID-19.
The unidentified teacher from a Marin County, California elementary school began experiencing coronavirus symptoms on May 19 but attributed them to allergies. The educator continued to work and read aloud to the class unmasked, even though the school required masks.
The teacher tested positive for the virus on May 21. Students, other staff members, parents, and siblings began reporting testing positive just two days later.
Of the teacher’s 24 students, 22 were tested for COVID-19, returning 12 positive results. All of the kids were too young to be vaccinated.
In total, 27 cases were identified, according to the CDC. 22 of the reported cases experienced symptoms, including cough, fever, headache, and sore throat. All students who were exposed and those who were infected were instructed to quarantine for 10 days.
“This outbreak of COVID-19 that originated with an unvaccinated teacher highlights the importance of vaccinating school staff members who are in close indoor contact with children ineligible for vaccination as schools reopen,” according to the CDC’s report.
All of the school’s staff members were vaccinated against the coronavirus except for the teacher who tested positive and one other staff member.