On Saturday Rapper Cardi B took to her Instagram to announce to her 77 million followers that she deleted her Twitter account. In a rant on Instagram Live she expressed how upset she is with people who criticized her for taking back her rapper husband Offset after she had allegedly filed for divorce back in September.
In the video, she says “I’m so tired that because of y’all I’ve gotta continuously explain myself.” She added, “I didn’t put my divorce out there, a f - - king court clerk put it out there. And because people are making rumors up, ‘Oh, this guy has a girl pregnant,’ this and that, I have to address it.”
Cardi said, “Offset is not the only f - - king problem that I deal with.” She said, “To be honest with you, my marriage is one of the least worries that I have right now.”
She says she is very hopeful that the two will work out their relationship problems and prove haters wrong.
“You guys want to be harassing this n - - - -. Bro, if I work things out, why are you going to this n - - - -‘s Twitter to harass him? That s - - t don’t make no f - - king sense.” She added, “I love my fans and I’m thankful and I’m grateful for everything you do, but some of you really be acting like I sleep with ya.”
The amount of overwhelming and unwanted advice from fans makes her feel like a Disney Channel Star, she said, “A whole bunch of 15-year-olds telling me how to live my life like I’m motherf - - king Ariana Grande or something.” She adds, “like I came from Disney or something.”
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