Ever since news broke of Greg Hardy’s alleged domestic dispute back in 2014, nearly everyone has shared their opinion on the matter. Now following the release of pictures from said dispute, many sports figures, athletes, and fans have shared their absolute disdain for Hardy. Charles Barkley is not one of those people.
In an open letter posted to Bleacher Report, Barkley shared his sentiments on Hardy, as well as those who are criticizing his actions. “I don’t know Greg Hardy. I’m not sure I like Greg Hardy. And I’m damned sure I know I don’t want Greg Hardy dating my daughter. Let me be clear: Domestic violence is 100 percent wrong,” Barkley started. “In this case, Hardy went through the judicial system. We need to find a way to stop giving up on black men. We need to get Hardy psychological help.”
Barkley went on to say once again that thought he knows what Greg Hardy allegedly did was wrong, he is also aware that “race and gender are big factors in who gets charged and convicted.” “There’s way too many black men we’ve just thrown away. Between mandatory minimum sentences, overworked public defenders and a whole lot of other reasons, there are too many black men behind bars. And when they get out, they don’t have a chance—to get a job, to buy a house, to vote,” Barkley continued.
“He needs psychological help so he can be a better man.” Barkley concluded of Hardy. “I hope Greg Hardy doesn’t let me down, but more importantly, I hope he doesn’t let himself down. He needs to be willing to admit the problem and be accepting of treatment.”
Sources: Bleacher Report
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