On Monday, Chrissy Teigen took to social media to share a post she penned on Medium and further apologized for past “trolling.” The supermodel has been uncharacteristically quiet the last few weeks after being called out by Courtney Stodden for cyberbullying them in the past.
“I know I’ve been quiet, and lord knows you don’t want to hear about me, but I want you to know I’ve been sitting in a hole of deserved global punishment, the ultimate ‘sit here and think about what you’ve done,'” she began the lengthy post. “Not a day, not a single moment has passed where I haven’t felt the crushing weight of regret for the things I’ve said in the past.”
She reveals in her post that there are others, besides Stodden, who need to be apologized to for things she has said in the past. She says that she has been reaching out to the individuals to apologize privately. Teigen acknowledges that she understands that some of her victims may not want to speak with her and admits, “I don’t think I’d like to speak to me.”
“I was a troll, full stop,” Teigen wrote, taking responsibility. “And I am so sorry.”
Teigen said she wanted to use the piece to provide further context and is not seeking — or deserving — of any sympathy.
“In reality, I was insecure, immature, and in a world where I thought I needed to impress strangers to be accepted,” Teigen continues. “If there was a pop culture pile-on, I took to Twitter to try to gain attention and show off what I at the time believed was a crude, clever, harmless quip. I thought it made me cool and relatable if I poked fun at celebrities.”
The TV personality said she has grown since then. She’s gotten married, had children, experienced trolling herself, and received therapy.
“I won’t ask you forgiveness, only your patience and tolerance. I ask that you allow me, as I promise I allow you, to own past mistakes and be given the opportunity to seek self-improvement and change,” Teigen concluded.
Teigen admitted it’s been a heavy few weeks, and she will be taking more time to focus on the essential things. She is taking some more time to care for herself and to be with her family.