In week 2’s game against Chicago, Colin Kaepernick had a few things to say to Bears defensive end Lamar Houston after Colin threw an interception. Kaepernick denied saying anything racially derogatory, though Houston did confirm to the Chicago Tribune on Monday that Kaepernick used the N-word. Here’s the thing, both Kaep and Houston are black males. Houston also went on to say that it’s more of a cultural thing and that he wasn’t insulted. The NFL on the other hand, doesn’t care how it was said, and Kaepernick caught himself an unsportsmanlike penalty and was fined $11,025.
What are your thoughts on this? Taking out how YOU personally feel about usage of the word, is it a racial slur if both parties consider it a word they use culturally and neither party was offended? I read comments from non-black people on other blogs and they said things like “why can’t white people use the n-word” and “saying it’s a cultural thing just causes a racial divide.” In my opinion, that couldn’t be furthest from the truth and I never understood why so many non-black people are so adamant about using the N-word in the first place. Black people using the N-word and white people NOT using it is not causing a racial divide and if you think it is, you haven’t been paying attention to the real issues happening around us every day. The argument of who should use it and who shouldn’t is stupid, but the “need” to want to be included in the usage of a word that some of your grandpa and grandmas are still using to describe us negatively — that’s even more stupid.
Either way, the NFL is trying to crack down on what they feel is appropriate language on the field, and the N-Word is not.
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