A 15-year-old teen sent to a juvenile detention facility for not doing her homework by a suburban Detroit judge is now being released from probation, via an appeals court order.
Oakland Circuit Judge Mary Ellen Brennan obtained “a caseworker’s recommendation that the case be terminated and that the girl, called “Grace” to protect her identity, continue receiving mental health treatment at home,” according to WRAL.
The young teen was placed on probation in April as a result of a case involving allegations of assault and theft. In May, after a probation violation for not doing her homework, the girl was taken into custody at Oakland County’s Children’s Village.
But on July 31, after nationwide outcry, Grace was released. In turn, Judge Brennan stated that the Michigan Court of Appeals verdict, ordering Grace to be released from Children’s village, tied the lower court’s hands.
“This court’s goal to place her (in Children’s Village) was to address delinquent behavior and improve life at home for her and her mother,” Brennan said, as news outlets reported that the teen seemed to have benefited from receiving treatment at the facility.
Grace was required to finish her schoolwork as part of her probation. However, she reportedly had a hard time switching from in-school to online learning and fell behind due to her ADHD diagnosis. She receives special education services as well.
When Brennan initially sentenced Grace to a juvenile detention center, she cited a “failure to submit to any schoolwork and getting up for school” as her reasoning behind her ruling.
However, at a hearing on July 20, Brennan said that the Grace was sent to the juvenile center because she was considered to be a threat to the community and her mother, adding that the police officers had responded to multiple calls for confrontations between the pair.
Grace’s attorney, Saima Khalil, accused Brennan of “callous conduct” during the case.
“You have deprived my client access to mental health treatment that was available through her school … and this court publicly lambasted the child during a court hearing.”