On Tuesday night, Demi Lovato’s docuseries “Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil” premiered at the SXSW Film Festival, which shows that the night of her overdose, she was sexually attacked by her drug dealer.
Lovato said in her docuseries, “I didn’t just overdose. I was taken advantage of,” detailing the July 2018 events during which she almost died.
Sirah Mitchell, a friend of Lovato’s, said Lovato had been given heroin “laced with fentanyl” that night. In the documentary, Mitchell says of the dealer, “He also ended up making her extremely high and leaving her for dead.”
“When they found me, I was naked, blue. I was literally left for dead after he took advantage of me,” Lovato says. “When I woke up in the hospital, they asked if we had had consensual sex. There was one flash that I had of him on top of me. I saw that flash, and I said yes. It wasn’t until a month after the overdose that I realized, ‘You weren’t in any state of mind to make a consensual decision.'”
Lovato is emotional throughout the series as she recounts coping with the pain she experienced not only on the night of her overdose but also from a previous sexual attack.
In the film, she also revealed a previous attack. “When I was a teenager, I was in a very similar situation. I lost my virginity in a rape.”
Although Lovato admits she and her alleged rapist were “hooking up” at the time, she claims she made it clear she wasn’t “able” to give up her virginity.
“I was part of that Disney crowd that publicly said they were waiting until marriage. I didn’t have the romantic first time,” Lovato says. “That was not it for me — that sucked. Then I had to see this person all the time, so I stopped eating and coped in other ways.”
Lovato then says, “F— it, I’m going to say it,” revealing that she told adults about what had happened to her. Her alleged attacker, on the other hand, “never got in trouble for it.”
“They never got taken out of the movie they were in. I always kept it quiet because I’ve always had something to say. I don’t know. I’m tired of opening my mouth. Here’s the tea,” she says.
Lovato wanted to “take control” after her two sexual assaults by contacting her attackers and doing it “her way.”
She said, “I called that person back a month later and tried to make it right by being in control. All it did was make me feel worse,” she says about her teen assault. She added, “Both times were textbook trauma re-enactments, and I really beat myself up for years which is why I had a really hard time coming to terms with the fact it was a rape when it happened.”
‘Dancing with the Devil’ premieres on March 23 on YouTube TV.