Disney and Pixar will release its first animated Black-led film “Soul” this Christmas, which will star Jamie Foxx as Joe Gardner—a high school band teacher who aspires to be a jazz pianist.
To go alongside the movie, Disney and Pixar will also launch a curated collection that showcases Soul and Joe Gardner. The collection will include figurines, t-shirts, dolls, accessories, and more, BET reports.
Michael Watson II of HUE Unlimited, an award-winning experience company of creatives, made a statement regarding the company’s work with the film and its collection to Good Morning America, “We’re proud to work on this meaningful collection inspired by ‘Soul’ and to be able to have each artist’s unique vision shine through,” Watson said.
“As a part of the next generation of creatives, we deeply understand that authenticity is incredibly important to audiences — so being able to curate a collection of products that represents Black voices overall is a dream come true.”
Bee Harris is one of the artists who also worked on the Soul collection and released a statement as well, “Working on this collection was a dream come true. It was an honor to highlight the four Black women in Joe’s village. These women represent the strong-willed, supportive women in my life who have helped me discover and walk in my purpose.”
“I walked away with a deeper understanding of myself and my capabilities as an artist. It was both challenging and inspiring to create something so unique to things I’ve done in the past,” she added.