Have you ever sat and wondered what it is that men look for in a woman when they pop the big question? For most of us women, we want a man that will nurture and provide for us, but what is it that men look for in a woman financially? Does he want a woman who needs financial help, or does he want a woman who has her own? Does he even care?
It’s my opinion that men are far more likely to marry under their tax bracket than a woman. I believe the reason being that men want to be “the man” and have some type of control over every decision being made, especially the money. Let’s look at the number of Ballers who date Ballerific Women, but end up marrying a regular “girl around the way”. Let’s look at the number of Baller’s who marry the nanny after dating another celebrity. It seems like it happens more often than not, but do you think it’s on purpose?
Again, it’s my opinion that men are very strategic when finding a wife and that they are more likely to look for the woman that they can provide for. It’s almost an ego stroker, and he doesn’t feel like a man if he can’t do these things. I once had a boyfriend that I had been with for a few years that literally hated that I made more money than him. Hated to the point that when I bought a brand new car with my OWN money, he wished bad things on it daily. He even told me with his own mouth that he hated that I got the car without him because HE was supposed to be the one to do it…
Ladies, could you see yourself being with someone knowing that one of the reason’s he is with you is because he makes more than you?