Times have changed for the ballerific working woman. There used to be a time where she wasn’t given any of the same opportunities that the men were given. She was paid differently and never allowed to move up in her career. She was expected to sit at home and cater to the house, husband and kids. Those days are nearly gone. Many women are taking life by the horns and taking control of their own lives. In today’s economic times however, many men aren’t able to find jobs to support their families. Two income families become one. Working husbands become house husbands. Do women really respect the house husband?
Ideally, when we get married we would love to have a man who would be able to provide for us and our family. We definitely didn’t think we’d be supporting a man, it should be the other way around right?
Personally I feel that I could have a “house husband” depending on the circumstances of his unemployment, his understanding of some of my “stress”, and his security with being a house husband.
Let’s start with the circumstances of unemployment that I would consider. I will consider supporting a household if the man is not lazy. He doesn’t necessary have to hold a job but don’t be lazy. If you can’t work for some reason, stay home and do what you can from there. Do odd jobs to help with finances, pick the kids up from school, clean up before I get home, etc. You can work part time, or maybe the recession hit, but just make sure that you are doing some type of work so that you are understanding of my stress. I don’t want to come home from a hard day of work, and knowing that money doesn’t make itself to deal with unnecessary fights and arguments and home. Understand that sometime I may need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on and an ear to hear me gripe. At the same time he must be secure with his role as “house husband”. He has to understand that I love him so much that I would never belittle him or make him feel that his opinions or decisions aren’t important. There is nothing worse than a man feeling like less of a man. Although he is a stay at home provider or father, doesn’t necessarily make him less of a man. He may be unconventional but definitely not less than.