Donald Trump thinks people are wearing masks to spite him instead of actually just caring about their health amid the #coronavirus pandemic.
We knew Trump was narcissistic, but this truly takes the cake. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that he thinks people are showing their disapproval of him by wearing masks and that Americans are not actually concerned about catching COVID-19. Trump added that he also has an issue with people who touch the masks they are wearing, which he says increases the risk of infection.
“They put their finger on the mask, and they take them off, and then they start touching their eyes and touching their nose and their mouth,” said Trump. And then they don’t know how they caught it?” You’d think Trump would listen to health officials like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which encouraged “wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.”
Since the pandemic started, Trump has declined to wear a mask or face covering despite health officials and organizations advising the world to take the right steps to curve the pandemic. Last month, a state’s attorney general told Trump that it was his “legal responsibility” to wear one while he was touring the Ford manufacturing plant in Michigan. Being the Petty Betty that he is, he told reporters that he wore one while no one was looking because he “didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.” He did the same thing in Arizona back in May during a visit to a Honeywell plant. Trump told the Associated Press that he didn’t want to wear a mask because he thinks it makes him look ridiculous and that it could jeopardize his chances of reelection.
The pandemic has infected nearly 8.4 million people around the world, and 450,000 people have died from it. According to the Business Insider, the U.S. has 2.2 million confirmed cases and about 118,000 deaths.

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