We’re grownups so let’s talk about real grown folks things. So many of us are very open to discussions regarding sexuality and being freaky in the bedroom, so before we go any further, I want readers to understand that this is not to throw shade, expose or insinuate a man is down low. This is solely to raise awareness on what goes on behind closed doors between a man and the woman he trusts.
A lot of guys are more comfortable with one woman than they were in previous relationships, so he may be more sexually in tune and pull a few more tricks out of the bag than he did with the last chick he dated. If he feels comfortable with you in the bedroom, you pretty much can get him in every position you can think of, and he might just start to gesture or even ask for what he wants.
Now here is where things get fun. Hold on to your wigs ladies! Over the years, sexperts have concluded that when a man is penetrated in his rectum, that it gets him off more than any other time he orgasms. In other words, that “prostate massage”, “Baby I just want you to dominate me, “just stick the tip of your finger in”, or the “run your finger over it” thing.. he likes it and hell, he enjoys it.
To be blatantly honest, men are even more comfortable with asking now than ever before. It’s almost done boastfully. They will ask you to do some things that will make some heterosexual women feel a bit uncomfortable. My advice is to know your man and just pay close attention to the signs. Be able to tell the difference between being sexually liberated or curious in same sex relations.
So what is too freaky in bed? What are the signs? Don’t be left in the dark about this or even traumatized by the things that go down between men and women. Don’t be so ashamed and embarrassed that you cant tell your girlfriends because you were bragging so much about how nasty he gets in bed. If something sticks out to you, then you need to share it with your mate. Simply sharing your thoughts and feeding your curiosity just might help to save your time. Have engaging conversations about your concerns. Ask him what he is into in bed, discuss what lines you absolutely will not cross. If his sexual curiosity is too much for you to handle, don’t force yourself. It will only make you resent your mate in the long run. The key is to be as open and honest with your man as possible.
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