Regardless of your religious beliefs, you’ve got to know that you’ve got to be very careful of what you say at the work place. The wrong use of words can end up getting you dropped from Reebok like Rick Ross or worse. After Jason Collins made an announcement that he was gay he was embraced by fellow Ballers Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade. Bill Clinton and President Obama even backed him and sang praises of his courage. ESPN sports analyst Chris Broussard however? He isn’t here for it.
via Detroit Free Press
“Personally I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly premarital sex between heterosexuals,” Broussard said. ”If you’re openly living that type of lifestyle, the Bible says you know them by their fruits, it says that’s a sin. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, adultery, fornication, premarital sex between heterosexuals, whatever it may be. I think that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I don’t think the Bible would characterize them as a Christian.”
Broussard’s comments came as part of a discussion about Collins and tolerance with fellow ESPN staffer LZ Granderson, who is openly gay. Broussard prefaced his above statement by saying that “true tolerance and acceptance is being able to handle [differing lifestyle beliefs] as mature adults and not criticize each other and call each other names.”
Okay Chris, you have every right to feel how you feel and every right to your religious beliefs. I do think the same Bible you’re quoting says “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” and I can promise you Boo Broussard isn’t without sin. With that said, Chris Broussard did come back to say that it is nothing personal against Collins and he applauds his bravery.
ESPN quickly issue an apology for Broussard’s statement.
“We regret that a respectful discussion of personal viewpoints became a distraction from today’s news. ESPN is fully committed to diversity and welcomes Jason Collins’ announcement,” the network said in a statement issued to The Hollywood Reporter.
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