In a shocking incident that unfolded in a Wisconsin Pizza Hut, an employee is accused of murdering his manager over a financial dispute stemming from a $7,000 inheritance check. Kavonn Ingram, 31, faces charges for the brutal killing of 55-year-old Alex Stengel, whose body was found discarded in a dumpster outside the restaurant in early February.
The gruesome discovery was made after South Milwaukee police were alerted to a body in the trash area. Following a blood trail, officers traced the scene of the crime back to the restaurant’s kitchen, as detailed in a criminal complaint.
Reports suggest that days before the tragic event, Stengel, from Cudahy, had cashed the check and flaunted the cash to his coworkers, including Ingram. This act is believed to have set the stage for the fatal altercation that led to Stengel being shot, his throat slashed, and his body stabbed, before being wrapped in a garbage bag, placed in a trash can, and moved outside.
The evidence against Ingram includes surveillance footage showing him transporting a garbage can to the dumpsters on the morning of February 5th. Further damning actions include Ingram clocking out for Stengel post-mortem and sending deceptive texts from Stengel’s phone in an attempt to mislead a regional manager.
Ingram’s charges are severe, including first-degree homicide, which could result in a life sentence. He is also accused of hiding a corpse, armed robbery, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. This tragic case has left the community and those involved seeking justice for the senseless loss of life over a dispute about money.