As if 2021 hasn’t already given us enough, now it’s raining fish in Texas. No, your eyes are not deceiving you.
Wednesday in Texarkana, TX, about 200 miles from Dallas, residents saw fish fall from the sky and land in their yards and sidewalks during a rainstorm.
“2021 is pulling out all the tricks … including raining fish in Texarkana today. And no, this isn’t a joke,” The City of Texarkana wrote in a Facebook post.
The raining fish is believed to be the result of a rare meteorological phenomenon called “animal rain,” which occurs when small water animals like frogs, crabs, and small fish are swept into waterspouts that occur on the surface of the Earth. They are then rained down at the same time as the rain.
Other residents took to social media to confirm that it was indeed raining fish.
“Yep. It rained fish at my house too.” one Twitter user tweeted along with a video showing off the fish that rained in her neighborhood.
Yep. It rained fish at my house too.
— Camille Warren (@camillecwarren) December 30, 2021
Though it’s uncommon, this isn’t the first time it has rained fish. Back in 2017, teachers and students at an elementary school in Oroville, California, reported seeing 100 fish land on the school’s playground and roof, according to KTVU.
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