We’ve all made the mistake of accidentally allowing a man to escape the friend zone and most times it was a bad decision. A lot of us have struggled with figuring out how to politely escort him to the friend zone in which he snuck out from and everything we’ve tried didn’t work. You’ve tried telling him you weren’t interested, you’ve tried not returning his calls, he just never gets the hint. Here are some tips to help you get rid of an unwanted man.
1 – Ask Him For Money – The earlier you ask for money the better. Men are known to go ghost when you start asking them to help you pay some bills. The minute you think he’s getting too close, ask him for $1,000. Within 24 hours your Bug-A-Boo infestation will be completely gone.
2 – Tell him you don’t cook – Not only tell him you DON’T cook, tell him you don’t want to cook either. Men who were raised by mothers and grandmothers who cook are less likely to want a woman who doesn’t ON PURPOSE. After considering the pros and cons, he’ll be out the door in no time.
3 – Get Clingy – Some men enjoy the chase, so stop running. Text and call him all the time until it annoys even you. Tell him you love him. Nothing makes a man go ghost like telling him you’re in love with him. Well, that and telling him you’re pregnant.
4 – Date His Friend – If a man won’t take the hint, date his hotter friend. That’s a pretty clear hint.
5 – Use and Abuse Him – This isn’t the nicest approach but it definitely works. Aside from asking him for money. Ask him to do other things for you like give you rides, pick up your dry cleaning, and other things you COULD be doing yourself but would rather not. Make him your personal butler and soon enough he’ll be over it! On top of that, never say thank you. In fact, be as ungrateful as possible.