Enchanting, a former artist from Gucci Mane’s 1017 label and a native of Fort Worth, Texas, has passed away after an overdose reportedly left her on life support.
Early reports on Monday erroneously announced her death, prompting her sister to address the misinformation asserting that the 26-year-old was alive at the time. However, the family has now confirmed her passing.
Enchanting signed with Gucci Mane’s New 1017 label in 2020 and featured on three compilation albums before leaving the label in 2023. Her last studio album, Luv Scarred/No Luv, was released last year. Fans have taken to social media to express their sorrow and share their love for the artist.
Gucci Mane also paid tribute on Instagram, saying, “So sad to have to say R.I.P to such a great young lady, a true star. We’re all going to miss you, Chant.”