Kwame Brown, formerly of the Washington Wizards, is headed to court to fight a child support case from the mother of his 3 daughters, Jocelyn Vaughn. He believes she is only suing him in an effort to embarrass him because he claims he has always supported their children.
Vaughn alleges although he signed all three of the birth certificates, she still wants paternity established and child support granted to her because she says he does not help her financially take care of their daughters, who primarily live with her.
Brown, on the other hand, says quite the opposite, telling The Blast, “All of my daughters have my last name and I was there to see all of them come into this world. I have taken care of my kids, including paying their tuition to their private school. In addition to paying their tuition, I also paid for all Jocelyn’s cars, a 650 #BMW and a Denali SUV. I also paid the mortgage for the house my kids lived in. This is an attempt to embarrass me and try to collect money that isn’t owed to her. I plan on fighting this.”
Over the course of his career, Brown made about $60 million and Vaughn argues that he has enough money to pay monthly child support and wants the court to determine the amount she receives as well as have him pay her legal bills in the case.
Whew chyle, the baby mama drama!