We were just talking about athletes spending their money wisely and not going broke. It appears that a former NFL cornerback has penned a novel on the very subject, offering some much needed advice to those in the league.
The book is called “New Money: Staying Rich” and will be available on March 31st. He talks about what every professional athlete has to go through once they come into “new money” aka that fat NFL check.
Read the synopsis below:
“Disrespect your money and you’ll end up broke.”
From author Phillip Buchanon:
New money is like a newborn baby: it doesn’t come with an instruction manual. You better learn how to deal with it, fast!
Although they have a fiduciary duty, financial advisors should not care more about your money than you care about your money.
And yes, your “fun friends” and family will view you as an endless ATM.
You need to understand the difference between “I truly need it” and “I’d really like it” when dealing with those closest to you. New Money will help you understand when you’re being an enabler.
New Money: Staying Rich dispenses valuable advice, taken from first-hand experiences, to aspiring professional athletes, entrepreneurs, and anyone fortunate enough to be the beneficiary of rapid wealth.
Learn from my errors; don’t make the same mistakes I did. Have fun reading the entertaining and enlightening stories in the book, and learn how to live a sustainable life as a New Money Millionaire!
You can preorder the book HERE.