On Wednesday, Fox temporarily suspended production on its hit show, “Empire.” However, according to E! News, the suspension was not directly linked to the anti-gay, racist incident, involving “Empire” star #JussieSmollett, that occurred on Tuesday morning.
Instead, the network stopped production on the musical series, as well as its hit legal drama, “Proven Innocent,” because of the below freezing temperatures in the Windy City. In fact, according to the publication, the temperature in Chicago is expected to remain below zero with a wind chill in the -40s.
“Please avoid the outdoors,” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said. “If you have to go out, dress in multiple layers. Cover your nose and mouth to protect your lungs from the cold.
In addition to the suspensions, “Disney on Ice” as well as “Hamilton” pulled the plug on Wednesday’s performances due to the frigid temperatures.