Despite the rumors that Future has been cheating on Ciara with his stylist, Future and Ciara are living together again. Though Ciara called off the engagement, sources close to the couple say Ciara wants to make things work between them so that Future can be there for their 4-month old son Future Zahir. No word on whether the engagement is back on.
I have really strong feelings when it comes to doing things for the “sake of the children”. I’ve always felt that was a cop out/excuse. A child deserves two great parents who love him & provide for him. That does not mean that those two parents have to be a couple. You can co-parent just fine without being “together”. Especially if the child has to grow up seeing their mother/father being disrespectful to the other parent. Most times it is better for the child to have two separate co-parenting figures, than one dysfunctional family unit. Don’t say you’re “doing it for the children” if in fact you’re doing it because you don’t want to be alone or you’re afraid to start over.
In Ciara’s case, I think she still loves Future and there is nothing wrong with that at all. As new mothers though, the “making it work for the kids” thing becomes our biggest mistake. Make it work for YOU and if it doesn’t work, you can still be great parents regardless. If she doesn’t feel Future can be a great parent unless they live together, she chose to have a baby by the wrong man.
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