NFL quarterback #ColinKaepernick has sparked conversation and controversy nationwide with his refusal to stand during the National Anthem. While, many people have condemned the athlete for his peaceful protest, others have decided to stand (or kneel) with him.
Most recently, #GabrielleUnion has come to the quarterback’s defense in regards to his patriotism.
According to #Variety, at Friday’s #BirthofaNation screening, the actress, compared Kaepernick’s resilience and resistance to the great #NatTurner.
“If you are wondering about Colin Kaepernick and his stand for equality and if he’s on the right side of history,” she said, “there’s nothing more patriotic than resistance.”
She revealed that like Turner, we all are capable
of a personal evolution.
“Nat Turner was firmly committed to his faith, but it was s faith that enforced and encourage his subservience and of those that looked like him. And until he knew better, he didn’t do better. Once he knew better, it started in him a fire that he refused to extinguish that carries on to this day.”
Simply, once you know better, you will do better, just as Turner and Kaepernick have done.