Twitter is axing ‘Fleets‘ from its platform. In a blog on Wednesday, the tech company announced that the feature would no longer be available after August 3, 2021.
“We built Fleets as a lower-pressure, ephemeral way for people to share their fleeting thoughts. We hoped Fleets would help more people feel comfortable joining the conversation on Twitter. But, in the time since we introduced Fleets to everyone, we haven’t seen an increase in the number of new people the conversation with Fleets like we hoped,” Ilya Brown, head of Product, Brand & Video Ads at Twitter, wrote in a blog post on Twitter’s website.
The 24-hours only feature, similar to Snapchat and Instagram’s Stories, was launched last year in November.
“We’re evolving what Twitter is, and trying bigger, bolder things to serve the public conversation. A number of these updates, like Fleets, are speculative and won’t work out. We’ll be rigorous, evaluate what works, and know when to move on and focus elsewhere,” Brown wrote. “If we’re not evolving our approach and winding down features every once in a while – we’re not taking big enough chances. We’ll continue to build new ways to participate in conversations, listening to feedback and changing direction when there may be a better way to serve people using Twitter.”
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