On your journey to achieve the Ballerific Body of your dreams, there may come a time when you fall off the wagon. A cheat day may turn into a cheat week, then a cheat month. You may miss one workout, then two, then it gets to a point where you’re basically sending your gym a monthly donation. You may feel terrible, like a failure, and you may just decide to give it, but I’m here to tell you to keep pushing. The important thing when it comes to falling off the wagon is not to dwell on how hard you fell, but to focus on how you’re going to dust yourself off and hop back on.
Remember why you’re on this journey. Whether you want to get healthy or just improve your appearance, going back to your old habits won’t help you achieve your goals. Anything worth having is worth fighting and working hard for. Keep that in mind whenever you feel like skipping a day at the gym. Also, find someone or something to motivate you. Find a workout buddy to help keep you motivated. I know sites like Sparkpeople have forums where you can find a workout buddy in your area, or just ask a friend. Sometimes you need a friend or somebody to hold you accountable.
One of my go to sites for for motivation is Instagram. Not only will you find motivating photos but recipes as well. Make the hash-tag search on IG for best friend. Some great hash-tags to search are “#CleanEating” #WeightLossMotivation” and “#fitspo”. This is how I stay motivated. Whenever I feel like skipping the gym for a day or sleeping through my early morning fasted cardio, I open my Instagram app and it gives me the boost I need to get my behind out of bed and on to the elliptical.
Hopping back on the wagon takes a lot of focus and determination, but if you were determined enough to start your journey in the first place you should have no problem picking up where you left off!
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