Every day we see comments under the pictures of “Instagram Honeys” from women saying that they are “making it hard for working women” or “discouraging women from going to college.” The one thing I will never understand is how this is even possible?
Ladies, how is it possible for a woman who is half naked on Instagram to make you question why you decided to go to college? Why is the “hoes be winning” myth discouraging you? Did you go to college for the men or for the education? Sure, hoes are “winning”, but why are you trying to run in their race? You don’t even know if you want the prize they’re getting. Hell, do you even know what the prize is?
When you decided that you wanted to go to college, you chose a major, you were happy with it. You probably planned out your entire post-college future. You were going to graduate, find a great paying job, move up the corporate ladder and eventually become an executive, making nothing less than a six-figure salary. You had your entire life mapped out. So what exactly does this have to do with hoes? How does this dream change become some naked girl is dating a rapper and he bought her bags and shoes? When did dating a rapper fit into your fantasy life all of a sudden? If it wasn’t in your plan to become a stripper, get pregnant by a rapper or an athlete, then break up, how exactly is their life discouraging to you?
When I hear women say that another woman’s actions are making it “hard” for other women, I can’t help but cringe. How so? How can the actions of one woman define who YOU are? If you continue to walk in your path, mind your business, and do well, there is nothing that any other woman, man or dog can do that will ruin things for you.
There is a saying that I live by; You can’t f*ck your way to the top. Only to the middle. I truly believe that women who have sex with men in an attempt to establish career, will never progress higher than that man. She will always be beneath him — whether physically or career wise. A man will never respect a woman as his superior if he’s witnessed how low she will stoop to get in the position she’s in. Therefore, how can a hoe truly be winning? How can a hoe make it hard? Yes, maybe she made it to a certain level BEFORE you, but knowing that she will never surpass that position should, at best, make you feel like a winner. The harder you work, the longer you last. It’s been proven.
I will be the first one to tell you, I love hoes. I also believe in live and let live. Everyone serves their purpose in life and deserves happiness. I am not in the position to judge what you do with your body. What I do hate to see, however, is women feel like they need to compete in places where they should not even compare. If you are college educated, take pride in that. Why exactly are you fighting to be compared to a woman who strips or dresses scantily clad? It doesn’t make you look better, it merely exposes insecurity. Be prideful in what you present to the world. If marrying a baller is what you seek, there are still several modest women who have been able to do so. Just because a rapper buys a girl a Chanel purse and she posts it on Instagram, doesn’t mean she’s “winning.” You have no idea what other bullshit she has to go through.
So ladies, don’t let your insecurities have you thinking that things are “hard” for you because you chose to keep your legs closed and your clothes on. Despite the fantasy that social media projects, that’s not how any of this works. Keep on your path, stay low and build your empire. You will be just fine.
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