Hosea Chanchez has been a fan-favorite of the popular drama, comedy series “The Game.” He played superstar quarterback Malik Wright for the fictitious “Sandiago Sabers” team and the son of Tasha Mack, played by Wendy Robinson.
After a six-year break, the show’s reboot has made its return on Paramount +. Fans of the show watched the first arrogant and cocky, Malik Wright, turn humble during the show’s nine-season run and anticipated his return to The Game: Reboot. Well — he’s back, and he’s better than ever.
In an exclusive interview with Baller Alert, Chanchez talks about The Game’s reboot, highlights of 2021, maintaining peace and more.
“Being able to be a part of this again allows us to transcend generations,” he said. Something new and different about the show is how relatable it is to the real world. “The show is built around the current world we’re living,” said Chanchez.
Chanchez said today’s athletes have helped our society make him proud to play a football player again on the show. “This is helping my wings grow. I’m excited to tell the story of what athletes are doing and dealing with in today’s time,” he said. “The show is more grounded because the world we’re living in is a lot more grounded.”
Reality TV is something Chanchez alluded to when describing what the series will be like this time around. “What people are watching needs to be as authentic as the world we live in. That’s the reason reality shows are so popular now,” he said.
Not only did Chanchez act in the new series, but he also produced and directed some of the episodes. “Being able to come out of my dwellings and do something with people I love and admire as a producer and director gives me an opportunity to be in a world that I feel safe in — one that I can build in,” he said.
Dealing with COVID-19 has been challenging for everyone, but Chanchez said working on The Game: Reboot is a highlight. He said prayer is something that he does to maintain and protect his peace during the time. Chanchez said he also stays off of social media as much as he can. “Not because I think it’s a bad thing; it’s a tool, and just like any tool, it can be used to enhance your life or work against your life in some way,” he said.
Praying and meditating is something Chanchez suggests people do for their mental health. “As we navigate our world — it’s important to tap into a source. It’s not my job to tell you what source, but my source is God,” he said. “Whenever I need a reset, he goes within.”