College football season is finally upon us. The time is now to stake your claim on the potential future ballers on campus. Athlete’s trust women that have put in the hard work and been with them since the beginning as opposed to the ones that came along after they get on. These athletes have the potential to make millions later on in their playing career.
Here are Baller Alerts top tips to snag a B.M.O.C. on campus. There is always a lot of competition out there, so use these tips wisely and put yourself in the best possible position for landing a future baller all while furthering your education.
Obtain a media guide- You need to implement this tip ASAP. You need to know what the players look like without their helmets on. If you can’t get your hands on a media guide go to the school’s athletic web site. You never know when you might see a baller on campus, you need to know what he looks like.
Look your best at all times- I know it’s a 7:30 AM class, but a lot of colleges hold practice or conditioning in the early morning. A lot of athletes take early classes because they are already up. Dress cute, make sure your hair is done, and put your war paint (makeup) on. There is always a hook’em up hairdresser and nail tech on campus. Some person on campus always possesses those skills and they are always needed. You can be tight and right for not a lot of coin, and ball out on a college budget.
Be visual- You have to be able to recognize the school letter jackets as well as the free apparel that athletes get and wear on campus. Athletes always rock free swag.
Read the paper/internet- Know which ballers are transferring to your campus so you can have first dibs. It always helps to stay one step ahead of the competition.
Learn about the game- Have a basic knowledge of the game, and be somewhat familiar with the rules. Athletes like to be complemented. You can stroke their ego, and tell them that they made a great play. Your baller will be surprised and excited that you know the game. Google will be your best friend.
Become a tutor- A lot of athletes are mandated to use study tables, be there to assist in any way you can.
Study- Make sure you find out where the athletic study tables are. They have to keep up a certain GPA in order to play. If you see a baller struggling academically, volunteer to help. Offer them a private study/tutor session.
Choose a major wisely- Major or minor in journalism. You can shoot for most things communication related. Why? A lot of ballers major in communications. If you work for your student newspaper, you can cover the team. This will give you unprecedented access to players, one on one interviews, and even possible locker room access.
Use student computer labs- Mostly everyone has a laptop now and days, ink is not cheap though. Use the printers in the student labs, you never know if a baller needs to print a paper.
Live in the dorms- A lot of athletes live in the dorms. If this is not financially possible, make friends with a dorm rat. Preferably someone that lives on the same floor as that baller you are scouting. If you have an apartment, have parties!! What is better than having the athletes come to you?
Get a meal plan- A lot of athletes have free room and board as well as meal plans. Make sure that your commons table is in a location by where the athletes sit to eat.
Go to parties-Do not sit at home, study hard during the week and party on the weekends. Enjoy being in college. It is truly is the easiest time of your life. Ballers love to unwind at the latest party, it helps with the stress of college athletics. Makes sure when a good song comes on, you dance with the guy that you have your eyes on.
Make friends- Not only do you need to make friends but make friends with people who hang with athletes. Making friends with the right people will increase your ability to be in the face of ballers. Leave campus sometimes, ballers are out in the scene not on campus all the time.
Find the campus hangout spot- It could be the student union or a particular street at a certain time of day. Every school has one, FIND IT.
Get a job- Not only a job, but one at the practice and/or playing facility. Also try getting a job at any one of the student recreation centers, athletes will be there from time to time. You would be surprised with the student help that is needed around your campus. Hello Work Study!!
Be a team manager- This goes without saying. This is the ultimate score, because you could get free team travel! It might be an opportunity to hand out water but you are the goddess that is there to help quench their thirst. Let them know it can always be like this, you will always have their back.
Take a gym class/or become a runner- Usually during the playing season, athletes don’t take a heavy course load. They take a lot of easier classes to keep up. A one to two credit course helps to serve that purpose. Here is a tip: don’t take just any class, take basketball. Everyone knows that most football players love to play basketball and it is an easy class. This is a situation that kills two birds with one stone. Running is a great way to stay in shape as well as stave off weight gain. Your running route should include detours around campus where the ballers hang out as well as passing by practice and workout facilities.
Have a car- When you have a car on campus you are a very popular person, and who knows which baller might need a ride that day. Give your baller curbside service with a smile until the boosters get him a new ride.
Know how to cook- If you can throw down in the kitchen, then cook! Word gets around fast of who can cook. Student athletes can’t go home for every holiday, and most of them get tired of the same old food and want a home cooked meal. This is where you step your game up and offer a dinner invite. Remember, the way to a baller’s heart is through his stomach.
Pledge a sorority- it’s a great way to be involved in community service as well as meet future ballers, a lot of them pledge fraternities. They are already popular, so they make great fraternity members. Being in a sister sorority increases your opportunities to connect.
This list is a lot of hard work, but you have to set yourself apart from all the others. You might go from eating ramen noodles to surf and turf. Once you put in all of the work and snag your baller, you can get your student loans paid off and not even have to put your degree to use.
Work hard, stay the course, and the ballerific lifestyle will be yours.
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