In what could be a glimpse of what’s to come as schools attempt in-person learning, a school district in Indiana welcomed back students for the 2020-21 school year and had a student test positive for COVID-19 the first day.
Health officials notified Greenfield-Central Junior High School on Thursday that one of their students, who attended part of the school day, tested positive, Superintendent Harold Olin said in a letter, according to CNN.
Once school officials became aware, the school enacted its “Positive COVID-19 Test Protocol.” The student was isolated in the school clinic and began to determine who the student may have come into contact with.
“We understand that this information will cause concern for some of you. It was very evident today that nearly all of our families and students were prepared to properly follow the safety protocols we have established,” Olin said. “Adhering to these protocols is essential for maintaining a safe environment for all students and staff.”