This blog was inspired by a few posts in the forums as well as talking to a few male friends that I know. Is it true that the independent woman is a turn off?Â
On one hand men want a woman who isn’t out fof their money. Any woman who doesn’t have anything going for herself and expects to live off of a man is considered a gold digger and not the marriage type. He’ll have sex with her, but as far as carrying on a real relationship with her, it won’t happen. But when they meet a woman who has everything going for herself, works hard for hers and doesn’t seemingly need him for anything, they get intimidated and run away.
It seems that the independent woman has to either down play her ability to provide for herself or suffer being alone forever. Some men just don’t want a woman who works long hours when she should be home cooking, cleaning and tending to children. They don’t want an equal, they would rather have you home and them as providers. This is all well and good, but my only problem is this: If men were providing fully, would women have to? If a man was bringing home enough do you think even the most independent of women would stress herself out to the point of working when she didn’t have to. Men would rather you work AND take care of home, taking on double the responsibilities, then help a woman take care of home because he feels that isn’t his “role”. But isn’t a man’s role to be a provider? Why are so many men falling short on their job?Â
It seems the keyword here is ‘Intimidation’. Mix that with men feeling as if they are not needed and you have a recipe for disaster. A man wants to feel like he is the head of household, even when you are offering help. The only way to be an independent woman and NOT offend a mean seems to be to never mention your independence.Â
Being an independent & self-sufficient woman is a catch 22. On one hand, you’re commended for holding down the fort, but on the other you aren’t allowed to shout it from the roof top because it scares men away. It seems the only way a woman can be fully praised for being independent is if she finds a man who can match or exceed her hustle. Good luck!Â
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