Written By- @pistolwhippedya
Two months of being locked down in our homes due to the spread of COVID-19 has helped reveal things about ourselves and our significant other. The global crisis has provided an ample amount of time for us to reflect on our realities and situations that our daily lives may have overlooked.
On a recent episode of Red Table Talk, Set It Off star Jada Pinkett Smith shared what she discovered while being shuttered in the house with her husband, Will Smith.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“Let me tell you, that’s been something to be married to somebody 20-some-odd years and realize I don’t know you, and you don’t know me,” she said. Apparently, after nearly 23 years of marriage, COVID-19 not only caused a strain on their relationship, but it also revealed the two do not know one another as well as they thought.
Sans Mr. Smith, Jada was joined at the table by mother Adrienne Banfield Norris and daughter Willow, where she candidly discussed the challenges brought on by the revelation. She admitted that the two were at a point where a “bump in the road” was handled instinctively by a “straight fight” approach. “This did not breed intimacy,” she added.
Huff Post reports the actress also discussed the aspects of not knowing herself as well as she thought she did. To push through and overcome, both will individually take time to learn to love themselves and, in the process, build a friendship with one another.
The Facebook-based show first aired in 2018 and since has served as an outlet for the couple to be very forthcoming on their marital issues. Past episodes have covered topics of jealousy, parental differences, and betrayal of the heart.
In a world where marriage and relationships have this ideal image, the Smith family gives a raw inside look that despite fame, they face adversities like many other couples and prove the need to place continuous efforts on working on their commitment of staying together.
How are you and your significant other handling the pandemic together? Has it brought you closer or pulled you apart?
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