Actress Jameela Jamil sat down with Charlamagne Tha God during the latest episode of ‘Emerging Hollywood’ and shared how she believes the entertainment industry is responsible for how the image of beauty is perceived to today’s youth.
Jamil told Charlamagne, “I don’t cancel the Kardashians, or Iggy Azalea or Cardi B.” Jamil called out famous women on social media for their promotion of weight loss beverages. “I’m not canceling them, I’m reprimanding them. It’s fine to call someone out. You’re offering them the opportunity of changing.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
She explained that “oppressive beauty standards,” affected her severely as a child. “I was fully anorexic by the time I was about thirteen. I wasn’t menstruating. My body was letting me know that I was dying from the inside.”
Jamil continued, “I think entertainment is such a beautiful and important thing to do. I’ve been on the receiving end of how much it can save your life when you’re down. But also, the entertainment industry has some rotten parts that we’re trying to slowly lift out. I have to do something to rally against it, otherwise, I feel like I’m a traitor to women and to young people.”
She concluded with, “I completely understand if people distrust me. I look like the enemy. I’m slim, I fit within society’s conventional attractiveness, and I am an actress. Why would anyone trust me?” Jamil went on to conclude, “I’m not going to stop because people doubt me, and most people support me.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Do you agree with Jameela Jamil’s stance on how Hollywood influences self-image issues in young men and women?