Tampa Bay Bucs’ Jameis Winston is being met with criticism after he visited an elementary school and said that young ladies should be silent.
Here’s what happened:
Winston went to visit the kids at Melrose Elementary in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, in an attempt to spread a positive and motivational message. In the 40 minutes he was there, he did just that. However, a few male students seemed to be bored and uninterested. In an attempt to engage them, things sort of went left.
“All my young boys, stand up. The ladies, sit down,” Winston said. “But all my boys, stand up. We strong, right? We strong! We strong, right? All my boys, tell me one time: I can do anything I put my mind to. Now a lot of boys aren’t supposed to be soft-spoken. You know what I’m saying? One day y’all are going to have a very deep voice like this (in deep voice). One day, you’ll have a very, very deep voice.”
Then Winston continued,”But the ladies, they’re supposed to be silent, polite, gentle. My men, my men (are) supposed to be strong. I want y’all to tell me what the third rule of life is: I can do anything I put my mind to. Scream it!”
That’s where Jameis’ choice of words got him in trouble. Many are taking particular offense to the Baller saying that ladies are to be silent. “One of the girls turned around and looked at me and said, ‘I’m strong too,’ ” said one of the teachers.
Jameis quickly explained that what he said was definitely not what he meant.
“I was making an effort to interact with a young male in the audience who didn’t seem to be paying attention, and I didn’t want to single him out so I asked all the boys to stand up,” Winston said. “During my talk, I used a poor word choice that may have overshadowed that positive message for some.”
Do you think the backlash is justified or did Jameis Winston just have a flub of words.