Jennifer Williams took it to her personal blog titled So Much Hate to talk about why she “eased” away from her friend Nia Crooks, the condescending comments about her two bedroom apartment, and cleaning up why she stated she did not live with Nia.
And the BS continues… I honestly could not stomach to watch last week’s episode. I had lived through the craziness and to relive it was just too much for me. But I would like to clarify a few things. First up, I never had an issue with “the assistant” up until that day. At one point, we were good friends. We went out together, went to dinner, stayed at each other’s houses and shared plenty of good times and laughs. There had been some incidents leading up to why I started pulling away from the friendship but I don’t feel the need to blast that information. However, the most important reason why I eased up on the friendship is because she started working for someone who refers to themselves as my “enemy.” To me being good friends would just cause the situation to be messy so I rather fall back. No love lost and I like I said, I didn’t have any issue with her until she put her hands on me.
Ok now let’s get to the foolery… AGAIN!!! I just find it so unfortunate someone I once called a friend has no respect for me and felt the need to violent me physically. So of course after you completely disrespect me by putting your hands on me, my mouth is going to get reckless. I am not happy for the things I said to her but I was caught off guard and left in a vulnerable state. The 2-bedroom apartment comment got taken way out of context. I live in a 2-bedroom apartment so why would I look down on her for that. My point was don’t act like I lived with you when you live in a 2 bedroom apartment with a roommate. There would be no room for me and all my stuff that barely fits in my 2-bedroom apartment in NJ. The whole attack against me was pointless. Okay, we aren’t friends no need to fight about it let’s all be mature adults and move on. People come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, it makes me sad but that is life.
I did what I felt was right by filing a police report and having my attorneys handling the situation. I am an entrepreneur and a mature adult. Who fights at this age? I was taught to let the authorities handle criminals. Having graduated with a degree in Political Science and a concentration in Pre-Law, I am fully aware of my legal rights and the justice system. If you put your hands on someone, there will be repercussions. End of story…
For the record, I have changed. I am striving to be an independent woman and I am building a future for myself. I have zero time or tolerance for BS. I am not sitting around waiting for a man to take care of me. Lucid is 100% mine; I built it from the ground up. No licensing deal or I am a paid spokes model. I don’t sit around and knock what my cast mates are trying to do business wise. Be a leader and not a follower, no one was thinking about the cosmetic industry until way after Lucid. At the end of the day, I find it all unfortunate that I am the constant topic when it comes to hate and no one can uplift one another. Fame has never been a weakness of mine but by watching this show I can’t say the same for all the ladies. I just hope everyone can recognize what is really important in this life because Basketball Wives will not always be the HOT thing… Then what???
Special thank you to my legal team, Corey Boddie, Sanford Rubenstein and Sabrina Puglisi also my publicist, Elizabeth Traub and my manager, Deanna Morales. And thank you to all my family and friends who have been so supportive of me during all this craziness. I cannot forget my loyal viewers, much love.
“Many walk in and out of our lives, but only those who leave footprints really matter.”- Unknown
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