Joseline Hernandez is reportedly facing eviction as her South Florida landlord has accused her of skipping out on rent.
Beach Place Apartments reportedly filed a lawsuit against the self-proclaimed Puerto Rican Princess, alleging she has failed to make payments on her two-bedroom luxury apartment in Sunny Isles Beach.
In court documents obtained by @bossipofficial, which were filed on June 24, the landlord claimed Hernandez skipped out on her $2,056 monthly payment and ignored all requests for payment. Now, the landlord is asking a judge to make her pay up.
According to the publication, Beach Place Apartments either wants an immediate payment of $2,375 to cover the rent or a judgement to have her removed from the property. The rental company is also demanding she cover the cost of its lawyer fees.
However, if Hernandez fails to respond within a month, the company can push for a default judgement against her. As of Thursday, there’s been no response, the publication reports.

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