The Karens of the world find something new to badger innocent Black people about daily. This time, it was a Tigger flag that provoked an unsolicited outburst.
A viral TikTok video exposed the moment when a geriatric white woman visited her Black neighbor’s home to complain about a flag showcasing the Winnie the Pooh character hanging from the house. The clip titled “Watch my interaction with a Karen” was posted by a user named Ambrosia last week and has since been shared across the internet numerous times.
Initially, the little old woman appears to be friendly as she approaches the doorstep. However, when Ambrosia opens the front door, it becomes clear that the woman is hell-bent on causing chaos.
“I wanna talk about this Tigger flag,” she began. “I don’t like it.” She then compliments the American flag that is also hanging from the house but slams the flag of the beloved cartoon character.
“I don’t say nothing about the shrubbery being cut. I don’t say nothing about the backyard, but now, I don’t like that,” she complained. Ambrosia tried to explain to the nosey neighbor that her brother placed the Tigger flag on the home, but this does little to comfort the Karen, who appears visibly shaken by the flag’s presence.
“I’m just telling you, I don’t like it. And we have rules. I don’t want to have to go find out what they are, but I don’t like that.”
Ambrosia, displaying an honorable amount of patience, tells the woman that their home is not part of a homeowners’ association. However, the Karen insists that there are regulations against hanging Tigger flags within the community.
“It makes the neighborhood look tacky,” the pesky woman argued. Eventually, she walks off the porch but not before assuring Ambrosia that she would be getting to the bottom of these alleged rules.
In a follow-up video, Ambrosia says TikTok temporarily removed her account after posting the video but did not reveal whether or not the entitled woman returned to her home.
In an update shared on Tiktok Ambrosia said the woman has since apologized.
“I don’t know who told her. Somebody told her,” Ambrosia says in the update. “She did what we have been calling a drive-by apology.”
“She was literally driving by when she shouted out of the window, ‘I’m sorry! Sorry!” Ambrosia says laughing. “And she just kept going.”
@tizzybizzy92 Reply to @alexandriahobbs5 #greenscreen drive by apology!🤣🤣