Kim Kardashian has dropped her lawsuit against MediaTakeOut after they profusely apologized about publishing multiple articles saying she lied about her Paris robbery. According to court documents, the pending lawsuit was “voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice, against defendants LLC and Fred Mwangaguhunga.”
Earlier this month Kim threatened the publication with a lawsuit after they posted three articles about her. She asked that they removed the articles and post a retraction to their story. On October 14, MediaTakeOut did just that.
“We were one of those news agencies who questioned what may have truly taken place. But now after speaking to sources, including some connected to the Kardashians, and getting further details on the sequence of events – we are now confident and without a doubt believe that Kim Kardashian was robbed as was reported to the Paris police. Anyone who is still questioning it, is wrong,” MediaTakeOut said in their retraction.
They continued, “We can understand how reports questioning if the robbery in fact took place can be hurtful, and so we apologize. No one deserves to go through such a traumatic experience. Kim is not just celebrity, she is a person, a wife and a mother – who in no way deserved what happened to her. We wish her the best as she emotionally recovers from the traumatic incident.”
The apology was good enough for Kim K, who dropped the suit against the gossip site.